Sku Fetch retrieves product information from hundreds of suppliers, structures it for you to edit & adjust and forwards everything to variety of listing services.
Find items for sale that have highest margins and best ratings.
Multiple Templates
Sku Fetch provides multiple free tem-
plates for your usage.
Keyword Finder
Find keywords that are used the most
based on the title of the product.
Product UPC
If products are missing UPCs, Sku
Fetch will be able to add them for you.
Competition Finder
Find sellers who sell same products
and analyze their data.
Reviews from web-sites that support
them can be added into the listings.
Process multiple products with preset
settings, send them to lister right away
or have them in draft mode for further editing.
Open AI
Use the power of Open AI & ChatGPT to rewrite, summarize, expand, add keywords and do anything imaginable with tile & description of the products before listing.
Multiple Sources
Sku Fetch supports over 600 suppliers
from multiple countries and new ones
are being added every week.
You can create several different work-
spaces, each with separate set of
settings and items.
CDN Hosting
All of the static data, such as images, are stored on Content Delivery Network for quick and safe access for one year.
Virtual Assistants Access
Each account can be configured for VA
work via permission set.
Combine multiple different products into one to
create an unique bundle that nobody else would
be selling. Sku Fetch can also auto create bun-
dles by processing suggested “Buy Together”
items from suppliers
Whether you are a designer, influencer, or a marketing guru, we got a solution for you. Click here to visit affiliates page.
Complete Information
Sku Fetch retrieves and processes multiple
pieces of information about a product,
such as title, price, stock level, shipping price, description, features, specs, images,
reviews, bundles etc.
Marketplace Listers
Sku Fetch supports multiple listers, such as Wise Lister, Crazy Lister, eBay Selling Manager, Ink Frog, Shopify and others.
Sku Runner
Sku Fetch is fully compatible with Sku Runner. If your
given application does not support all the suppliers
from Sku Fetch, you can request them to have Sku Runner connected (free for them) and then you can
monitor all suppliers supported by Sku Fetch.
Repricers & Price Checkers
Sku Fetch can export listed items not only to Sku
Grid, but to other repricers as well, such as DSM
Tools (coming soon)