Record. Edit. Elevate.

Voice-to-Text fast and easy

Used daily by +100 satisfied users.

1. 🎙️ Record

Just talk, we'll do the rest.

2. ✏️ Edit and improve

Editable Documents in seconds

🎙️ Record & Format

Speak your thoughts, and select a Format you want. Whether you're in a meeting, brainstorming, or have a sudden idea, audio-docs helps to structure your thoughts.

✏️ Edit

Take charge of your content with our simple editing tools. Fine-tune, rearrange, and polish your transcribed text just the way you like it, making sure your documents sound like you.

✨ Elevate

Like Notion, but supercharged by your voice and AI, audio-docs will help you create, edit, and refine your content into professional documents, all while saving you time and energy.

🤝 Share & Collaborate

Invite colleagues and friends to share ideas and create together. Our platform simplifies turning group thoughts into tangible results.

Special Launch Offer:65 % Off

Limited time offer: Save 65% off the original price!

What's included in the PRO plan

  • Unlimited Documents
  • Record up to 60 mins
  • Upload up to 200 MB
  • AI actions
  • Invite others
  • All future features

Pro Monthly




Access to all pro features, currently 65 % off the original price.

Pro Yearly




Access to all pro features, currently 65 % off the original price.


Voice to Editable Documents, fast

Capture your ideas, stay organized, and collaborate seamlessly - all with one intuitive and secure tool.